This document sets out the privacy policy of J.K Hartig & E.A Watts (operating under

the business name Neu Kids) ABN 47 788 459 528 (referred to in this privacy policy as ‘we’, ‘us’,

or ‘our’).

We take our privacy obligations seriously and we’ve created this privacy policy to explain

how we store, maintain, use and disclose personal information.

By providing personal information to us, you consent to our storage, maintenance, use

and disclosing of personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.

We may change this privacy policy from time to time by posting an updated copy on our

website and we encourage you to check our website regularly to ensure that you are aware of our

most current privacy policy.


The personal information we collect may include the following:

(a) name;

(b) NDIS participant number and other NDIS plan information;

(c) post code, mailing or street address;

(d) email address;

(e) social media information;

(f) telephone number and other contact details;

(g) age;

(h) date of birth;

(i) credit card or other payment information;

(j) sensitive information as set out below;

(k) information about your personal circumstances;

(l) information in connection with client surveys, questionnaires and promotions;

(m) your device identity and type, I.P. address, geo-location information, page view statistics,

advertising data and standard web log information;

(n) information about third parties; and

(o) any other information provided by you to us via our website or our online presence, or

otherwise required by us or provided by you.


We will collect your personal information in a lawful and fair way. We will only collect your

personal information where you have consented to it, or otherwise in accordance with the law.

We may collect personal information either directly from you, or from third parties,

including where you:

(a) contact us through our website;

(b) receive goods or services from us;

(c) submit any of our online sign up forms;


(d) communicate with us via email, telephone, SMS, social applications (such as LinkedIn,

Facebook or Twitter) or otherwise;

(e) interact with our website, social applications, services, content and advertising; and

(f) invest in our business or enquire as to a potential purchase in our business.

We may also collect personal information from you when you use or access our website

or our social media pages. This may be done through use of web analytics tools, ‘cookies’ or other

similar tracking technologies that allow us to track and analyse your website usage. Cookies are

small files that store information on your computer, mobile phone or other device and enable and

allow the creator of the cookie to identify when you visit different websites. If you do not wish

information to be stored as a cookie, you can disable cookies in your web browser.

We may use Google Analytics to collect and process data, including when you use third

party websites or apps. To find out more see How Google uses data when you use our partners’

sites or apps.


We collect and use personal information for the following purposes:

(a) to provide goods, services or information to you;

(b) for record keeping and administrative purposes;

(c) to provide information about you to our contractors, employees, consultants, agents or

other third parties for the purpose of providing goods or services to you;

(d) to improve and optimise our service offering and customer experience;

(e) to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes or enforce our agreements with third

parties; and

(f) to send you administrative messages, reminders, notices, updates, security alerts, and

other information requested by you.

We may disclose your personal information to cloud-providers, contractors and other third

parties located inside or outside of Australia. If we do so, we will take reasonable steps to ensure

that any overseas recipient deals with such personal information in a manner consistent with how

we deal with it.

(Sharing of your Information) We may need to share your personal information with

third parties, including your medical providers and other NDIS Service Providers that we work with

to provide you with our services. If you consent to the sharing of your personal and sensitive

information with these third parties, we will only do so as required to provide you with the services.


If you are providing personal and/or sensitive information on behalf of someone else, you

must have the consent of that person to provide their personal and/or sensitive information to us to

be collected, used and disclosed in accordance with this privacy policy. This includes where you

are a NDIS participant’s nominee, support coordinator or representative. We reserve the right to

request evidence of this consent (without being under an obligation to do so).

If you are providing personal and/or sensitive information on behalf of someone under the

age of 18 (Minor), you must be that Minor’s parent or legal guardian and you must provide consent

for the Minor’s personal and/or sensitive information to be collected, used and disclosed in

accordance with this privacy policy.


(Collection of sensitive information) We may collect sensitive information about you

during the course of providing you the services. We will only collect this sensitive information where

you consent and provide us with this information. If you consent, your sensitive information may

only be used and disclosed for purposes relating to providing you with our services and for NDIS



(Types of sensitive information) The type of sensitive information we may collect


(a) information relating to your racial or ethnic origin;

(b) gender;

(c) sexual orientation or practices;

(d) health information, including biometric information, mental health information, and

medical history and information relating to pre-existing illness, condition or disability;

(e) family medical history;

(f) referring health care provider and associated referral letters;

(g) individual health identifier numbers (where necessary); and

(h) any other sensitive information provided by you or a third party to us via our Website or

online platforms, or otherwise provided by you or a third party to us.

(Use of sensitive information) Your sensitive information will only be used for the

purpose of:

(a) providing you with our goods and services;

(a) complying with our legal obligations;

(b) sending you messages, reminders, notices, updates, security alerts, and other

information requested by you; or

(c) any other purpose which is permitted or required under applicable privacy laws.

(Disclosure of sensitive information) Your sensitive information will only be disclosed

to third parties for any purpose which is permitted or required under applicable privacy laws.

(Withdrawing consent) If you wish to withdraw your consent to our collection, use or

disclosure of your sensitive information, please contact us using the contact details set out below.

We will deal with all such requests within a reasonable timeframe.


We take reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is secure and protected

from misuse or unauthorised access. Our information technology systems are password protected,

and we use a range of administrative and technical measures to protect these systems. However,

we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information.


Our website may contain links to other websites. Those links are provided for

convenience and may not remain current or be maintained. We are not responsible for the privacy

practices of those linked websites and we suggest you review the privacy policies of those

websites before using them.


If you wish to request access to the personal information we hold about you, please

contact us using the contact details set out below including your name and contact details. We may

need to verify your identity before providing you with your personal information. In some cases, we

may be unable to provide you with access to all your personal information and where this occurs,

we will explain why. We will deal with all requests for access to personal information within a

reasonable timeframe.

If you think that any personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, please contact

us using the contact details set out below and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that it is




If you wish to complain about how we handle your personal information held by us,

please contact us using the details set out below including your name and contact details. We will

investigate your complaint promptly and respond to you within a reasonable timeframe.


For further information about our privacy policy or practices, or to access or correct your

personal information, or make a complaint, please contact us using the details set out below:


Our privacy policy was last updated on 10 May 2023.